Use "edict|edicts" in a sentence

1. One of their edicts was a rule that all men must shave the hair of their pubis.

Eines ihrer Edikte war die Regel, dass alle Männer ihr Schamhaar rasieren müssen.

2. All we want is a calm debate based on impartial considerations, without arbitrary edicts and without anathema.

Wir wollen, daß eine ehrliche Debatte auf sachlicher Grundlage, ohne Diktat und ohne Verteufelung in Gang kommt.

3. In other cases, women were beaten for failing to wear the precise type of abaya - a bulky head-to-toe garment - prescribed by local edicts.

In anderen Fällen wurden Frauen geschlagen, weil sie nicht den Ganzkörperschleier, so wie er den lokalen Vorschriften entspricht, getragen hatten.

4. On 5 January 1527 , Felix Manz became the first casualty of the edict, and the first Swiss Anabaptist to be martyred at the hands of the Protestant s. While Manz only wanted "to bring together those who were willing to accept Christ , obey the Word, and follow in His footsteps, to unite with these by baptism, and to leave the rest in their present conviction", Zwingli and the council accused him of obstinately refusing "to recede from his error and caprice".

Ende März 1525 wurde Manz zusammen mit 20 anderen Mitgliedern der jungen Täufergemeinde gefangen genommen und in den Hexenturm des Zürcher Gefängnisses verbracht.